Kim Randell

Author's posts

New courses starting soon

We have three new courses starting soon:-

Baby Sleep Workshop

Wednesday 28th September 10-11am, free online Baby Sleep Workshop. Join Hayley from Botley Bridges and Vanessa Campion (Health Visitor with a special interest in Baby’s sleep) for an informal workshop … Read the rest “New courses starting soon”

Pop up cafe at Louie Memorial Pavilion

To raise funds for Botley Bridges and celebrate Hayley’s BEM award, we will be hosting the pop up cafe at Louie Memorial Pavilion on Arnold’s Way on Sunday, 18th September.

There will be tea, cake and children’s craft activities.

Please … Read the rest “Pop up cafe at Louie Memorial Pavilion”

Monday Stay and Play sessions

We are now back in Botley School on Monday mornings – the times are slightly different, we will run from 9-11am.

Unfortunately there is no car parking in the school, but you can use the free 2 hour parking at … Read the rest “Monday Stay and Play sessions”

Opening times over the holiday

Dear families,

Botley Bridges will be closed from 20th December to 3rd January inclusive. We hope you all have a lovely winter break, and will see you in the New Year!

The Botley Bridges Team… Read the rest “Opening times over the holiday”

Free course – Emotional Health: You and your family

Free weekly course for parents/carers, starting Friday, November 12 10:00 – 11:30am, for 5 weeks.

  • Developing communication and relationship skills
  • Enhancing self-esteem and empathy with our children
  • Understanding and responding to difficult feelings – our own and our children’s
  • Taking
Read the rest “Free course – Emotional Health: You and your family”

First Aid Sessions for parents/carers

We are delighted that we can now return with our very popular First Aid courses. These are suitable for parents/carers/grandparents or anybody that spends time with babies and young children. The courses are very informative and fun!

We have the … Read the rest “First Aid Sessions for parents/carers”

Monthly Health Visitor sessions

Health Visitors will be joining us during the Baby Play and Learn sessions for Well Baby Clinic on Friday 22 October & Friday 26 November 2021 – to book an appointment, please email or call 01865 903800… Read the rest “Monthly Health Visitor sessions”

Monday Stay and Play Sessions

Good news! We have changed our Monday morning stay and play session to a drop in session so there is no need to book – just turn up between 9-11. The sessions are still outdoor sessions but there will be … Read the rest “Monday Stay and Play Sessions”

Babbling Babies Workshop

Do you have a young baby? Would you like some useful tips and fun strategies to promote their developing speech, language and communication skills?

Come along and join us at our Workshop on Wednesday 27th October 1:30-2:30 in Seacourt Hall. … Read the rest “Babbling Babies Workshop”