We currently run courses for parents, grandparents and carers. We also advertise courses that other organisations run which benefit and support families.
Baby & Child First Aid Course
Know what to do, no matter what happens! 2 hour baby and child first aid course covering: We have two different times to choose from at two different venues (car parking available at both locations). Monday, 21st October 1-3pm, at West Oxford Community Centre Monday, 21st October, 5-7pm, at Botley School, Elms Road The cost …
Baby Massage
Suitable for babies aged 0-8 months Location: West Oxford Community Centre, Botley Road, OX2 OBT Block of Four sessions: Mondays 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th October 1-2pm £30 for all 4 sessions (concessions available on request, email me in confidence) Benefits of Baby Massage: Promotes attachment & bonding Stimulates all body systems Improves sensory awareness One …
English for Speakers of Another Language
Next course: To be confirmed Location: Botley School Price: Free English for speakers of another language. To book contact Sue Dowe or Hayley Hayle on coordinator@botleybridges.org or text/leave message on 07598 563636.
Family Links Parenting Course
At Botley School, Elms Road, Oxford, OX2 9JZ Starts 11th November, continues 18th, 25th November and 2nd December, 12.45-2.45pm.£20 per person (concessions available) Bringing up children is a difficult and demanding job. These workshops are aimed at parents/carers of children aged 0-7 and will support parents with ideas and strategies to tackle those difficulties which …
HENRY: Health, Exercise and Nutrition for the Really Young – 4 week course
TBC. HENRY is HEALTH, EXERCISE AND NUTRITION FOR THE REALLY YOUNG and is suitable for parents of children aged 0-5. The course is being delivered by Sue Dowe. The cost of the 4 week course is £20 per person to include a supporting handbook. Subsidies are available. Contact coordinator@botleybridges.org to register or text 07498 563636